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What is AWS

07 July, 2023

AWS Stands for Amazon Web Services
What do We do with Web Services?
Amazon Web Services are a number of resources provided over the web, you need internet and technical know how to access/use them. These are technology focused resources, and I do say technology because they cover a variety and wide range mostly encompassing technological use cases. Examples include web applications, machine learning and networking resources, if this was a menu it would be the main course, starter, dessert, drinks and everything in between.
How do I access Amazon Web Services?
There are a number of options for accessing Amazon Web Services, you might want to eat with a fork, a spoon or if you are like me, you want it personal with your hands.
AWS gives you options, whether you are a developer writing applications that use AWS as a back-bone or an administartor trying to automate your AWS services and service usage. So here is your pick:
  • AWS Management Console
The easiest way to get started, serves up the menu in a nice and easy-to-read/navigate interface. Does not do very well with automation but it offers a familiar platform for a majority of people to work in, i.e, click some buttons and choose some options
    My personal favorite, this provides, you with the option to use commands to create, manage and remove resources once you get used to the structure of the commands. It lends itself very well to automation and sometimes, for some operations, this is going to be your only option, I am looking at you multi-part upload
  • AWS SDKs
    I have to explore these further, if you are a developer writing code and applications that use AWS as a backbone whether it is to store files, interact with resources or something fancier, SDKs provide you with the option to call AWS resources using different programming languages.
When it comes to Amazon Web Services, you have your pick for access.
Learn more here: Sign In
Next let us learn about the different AWS services.